nurse-to-be,humble,crazee about food,like to travel,chubby,sensitive,a student,and a daughter to a Mother:)
Jumaat, 25 Mac 2011
Isnin, 21 Mac 2011
Hye dear....wishing All of you a happy monday.......:)
Im not having a wonderful day today..
My clinical posting in a new ward..is a nightmare..
Hope God bless them
Im not having a wonderful day today..
My clinical posting in a new ward..is a nightmare..
Hope God bless them
Khamis, 17 Mac 2011
Hye..Happy Thursday:)
Hye..hope all of you had a good day..
I'm fine..and doing great.I work in pm shift..
this week I was placed at the Neurosurgical Male Ward..
The ward was fully air-conditioned,total bed is 20,and all the patient who've been admitted there have a neuro
The routine checklists that we do everyday is a lots.........:)
But not pretty much la...just sedang-sedang....hehehehehe:)
The examples is such as:
1.Listen to the pass report from the am shift
2.Do bed making
3.Tidy up patient's unit
4.Greet the patient and ask them about their condition..progressively better or not?
5.Check the vital sign
6.Glucometer/Dextrose stick test
9.Management~admission/discharge/transfer out patient
As for 3 days i'm in Neuro ward..my clinical instructor always change...:)
Hurm..maybe they don't provide us with the permanent clinical instructor yet.
After that..the environment in the ward is nice and clean..it was so tidy,air-conditioned
:)Kerja dekat ward ni santai...
Next week kerja shift pagi...
Will keep you all updated....
Hope you all keep moving on to achieve anything you've always wanted
Hope Allah will blessed us every second...amin...
See you all in the next post,
Khamis, 10 Mac 2011
Hye..Happy Thursday:)
Hye peeps..
Happy Thursday:) Hope all of you had a blast weekdays..
I have a hectic days when I'm in my clinical posting...
Have to wake up early at 3 am to have shower then sleep back and wack up
for work at 5.30 am,that's my routine here in Jb if I working in morning shift.
I'm still working in the same ward for 2 weeks~Ward Dahlia 4 / HDU( High Dependancy Unit )
Have to present my case study about patient tomorrow..Wish me luck...
I got a nice and dedicated clinical instructor here,,Pn Amisah....:)
She tought us so dedicatedly..Wish to be more pro-active like her Lots:)
I and my friend are assigned to do a management things..
We be as a runner in ward and handling all the things there..
It was so.....a different experience I gained so far..
Firstly,we will check all the emergency trolley and the DDA cupboards...
Then,one of us will be a runner to check all the Dextrose stick reading from all the patients..
It's me who handling the Dxt checking....Tasya and Balkis handling the management
problems such as the lamp that are broken or dysfunctioning,and etc...from A-Z.
Huhu..being a runner..we don't have a cubicle...Wow,that's great U know...
But,the three of us...helping the others to settled all the things yang belum settle,:)
Huhu..Will keep U all updated...Sebab insyaallah minggu depan,akan ada kerja shift
malam and kerja di ward lain...Yuhuu..new experience...Like2x...
Semalam buat highlight rambut...tengoklah kalau ok...kalau x,hahaha..jangan la komen..
Hope all of you had a nice weekday...
Be good and be strong,
Luv You all..
Selasa, 1 Mac 2011
Hye friends,
Hope all of you had a nice day..
I'm doing good so far in my practical..
Going to Intensive Care Unit(ICU) today..There's so much to learn..
They have an hourly observation chart..The nurse there do primary nursing care..
One staff nurse are assigned for each patient..so that nursing care are delivered
There's a lot I learn..about the environment in ward,the equipment and the protocol.
The staff nurses there like our new icu uniform.
It's peach in color..
Will show U the pics later..
Okay..Hope U all had a great day..
Wishing a great day ahead for all of us..
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