Jumaat, 1 Februari 2013

Of laughters and tears

Today is my last day @ Sunway Medical Centre. 31/1/13.

Glad. Its been a tough 1 year and 3 months plus.

Laughters. Tears. Happiness. All feelings are mixed up.

Been working as a team in the Radiology Department with all the Radiographers, Radiologists, front counter people, admin and my toughest reporting room colleagues, the medical transcripts.

Will miss my Radiologists. Haha. The "Abang Besar, Chief Radiologists" Dr. Adam Pany, that called my name after 8 months im working in the department. First time i typed for him, all went upside down because he want all things to be fast. No slow. Haha. Learned a lot from him.

Will miss my female Radiologist, Dr. Roshayati Basir. She will gave u a good advice, tips that she got from her Islamic class. She gave all the muslims staff a book of Al-Quran each. May Allah bless her. She will sing a song if she is doing ultrasound scan especially for kids. Love. Dr. Ros loves peanut. Always bought kacang singapore. The crunchiest kacang.

Dr. Valarmathi, someone that I adore. Independant. Elegant. Gave advice. Teach u something new. Buy u foods. Thanks a lot Dr.

Last but not least, Dr. Ng Boon Keat. I learned a lot too. Eventhough he is a bit fussy but down deep in my heart, I know that he is a nice person. Very cheerful person with other radiologists. Good at doing procedures. Reports.

To all my radiographers friends, u all help us a lot in the reporting room. Wanted to say thank you to the senior radiographers, especially Ms. Tan, Kak Bib, Mr. Yong and Mr. Liew. To Hazirah who private message me in FB to give me a message of support (to say strong even kena marah with Doctor), Hasha, En. Nazri, Cheng Hui who always panggil me Izan, Raj, Junne my housemate, Shifa, Kak Syikin who always give a good advice, Kak Zz, Sukumaran (thanks belanja me Nasi Lemak) in my last day working, Ariff, Tina and to whom i did not mention. Wish u all the best in life too. :)

To the nurses, Zaleha, Salmah, Kak Safuraa, Kak Suppu, imah and last but not least, Sister Yen. Thanks.

To my reporting room colleagues. Stay strong. Stay tough. I will miss you all. I learned a lot. Nice experience I had with you guys. If I did something that is not right, I do apologize. Wish u all nothing but success.

To my front counter colleagues, Anna. Good luck on your new upcoming job. Aileen. Thanks for ur continuous support. Thanks belanja me eat at Popeye. Izzah cashier. Ms. Goh. Sorry didnt make it to see u after ur maternity leave. Thanks for coaching and guidance.

P/s: Go. Go. Go. Radiology Department Sunway Medical Center.

In good memories (Oct 2011 ~Jan 2013)


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